Answers to Everyday Inquiries
Have questions for us? Need clarification on our offerings? Our FAQs were designed to answer the most common inquiries. If you don’t manage to find exactly what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are here to answer all of your questions.
I'm new to yoga. Which class should I take?
Foundations yoga, offered on Saturday mornings is a great class to begin with. This class offers an education into the basics of yoga - pranayama (breath work), asana (postures), meditation, and more. When you come to the class, please let the teacher know that you are just getting started.
How do I sign up for a class?
At the top of our website, look for the Class Schedule & Sign Up menu. This will take you to our scheduling software (Momo Yoga) where you can view classes and offerings and sign up. If you are new to our space and want to sign up in person before your first class, please make sure to arrive a little early so we can assist you better.
Do I need to sign up for classes ahead of time or can I drop in?
At this time, pre-registration is required for All classes. You can pay for a drop-in class, but pre-registration is required for ALL classes as we are aiming to better manage our teacher's time. Thank you for your understanding & patience & participation in this process!
Which class package should I purchase? Do they expire?
If you are new to our space and plan to try more than one class, our 5-class package is a great start, or you may also purchase a single class. If you plan to attend classes weekly, our 10-class package option is a better value. The 5-class package expires in 4 months and the 10-class package expires in 7 months. We hope to add unlimited monthly class packages as soon as we expand our class offerings.
Do I need my own mat? Do I need to bring anything else with me?
No, we have mats available for your use. We strongly recommend purchasing your own mat as you become more and more committed to your practice. We have all the props you'll need (i.e blocks, straps, blankets). The most important thing is that you show up!
What should I wear?
Any comfortable clothing that you can move around in is most suitable for yoga. No shoes-needed as yoga is practiced barefoot.
Yoga classes for children?
At this time, we do not offer any yoga classes for children. However there is always the possibility of it in the future
Planning to expand your class offerings?
Yes! We hope to add more classes to our currently weekly offerings. As our community of students is still small, as we continue to scale up in attendance, we will definitely look to add more class offerings: such as kids yoga, prenatal, weekly guided meditation classes and more!